䦟 If the battery is leaking and the
battery fluid gets on your skin or
clothing, immediately rinse with
clean water
• If the battery fluid gets into your eyes,
you risk losing your eyesight.
Immediately rinse your eyes with clean,
running water, and seek medical
attention right away. Any battery fluid
that comes into contact with your skin or
clothing may harm your skin.
Immediately rinse the area with clean,
running water.
䦟 Insert the battery correctly, as
• When installing the battery, pay
attention to the indicated polarity (+
and –), and insert it correctly.
• If batteries are installed with the wrong
orientation, it may cause an abnormal
chemical reaction while in the charger,
an abnormal voltage flow when it is
used, or cause the battery to catch fire,
explode, leak or spew battery fluid, or
generate heat.
䦟 Always stop the recharging after
the prescribed recharge time,
even if the battery pack is not
fully charged
• If you continue to recharge the battery
pack, it may cause the battery pack to
catch fire, explode, leak or spew battery
fluid, or generate heat.
䦟 Charge the battery pack before
using it
• Always recharge the battery pack before
using it for the first time, or when using
it after it has been kept in storage for a
long time. During recharging, the
battery pack may be warm. This is
normal and does not indicate a
䦟 Note concerning the battery after
• When removing the battery, turn off the
camera and allow the battery to cool
down before removing it.
䦟 Disposal of and recycling the
• When disposing of used batteries,
please consult the laws and regulations
in your area for proper battery disposal.
• Lithium-ion batteries: To conserve the
environment and for efficient use of
natural resources, please discharge the
used battery, cover the (+) and (–)
terminals with tape and recycle the
insulated battery.