
Charging the accuplug / charge indication
To charge the accuplug, insert the personal sound amplifier con-
taining the accuplug into the L 200 charging unit . A second
BA 151 accuplug can be charged separately in the charging
compartment . The automatic charging process is indicated by
the LEDs and . Since the accuplug cannot be overcharged,
the personal sound amplifier and the accuplug can remain in the
charging unit even when the accuplug has been fully charged.
Instructions on accuplug operation
Do not let rechargeable accuplugs become completely flat. If
you do, they will be exhausted and cannot be recharged!
Ǡ If you notice that the accuplug is going flat (noise interference
and sound distortions are sure signs of a flat accuplug), switch
off the device and recharge the accuplug immediately. (If
necessary, use a second accuplug to listen while the first
accuplug is being recharged.)
Ǡ Immediately recharge the accuplug after each use.
Ǡ Charge the accuplug for 24 hours before you use it for
the first time!
Environment and health
Devices powered by rechargeable accuplugs are kind to the
environment. This energy source can be recharged many times.
Conventional batteries, on the other hand, must be disposed of as
special waste after they have been used just once.
If an accuplug should be defective, it is then recycled - the dealer
who sold it to you will take it back and will also supply you with
a new, original Sennheiser accuplug. (Recycling methods differ
in different countries).