
Ǡ Never open electronic devices! This must only be done by
authorised personnel and is all the more important for
current-carrying units.
Ǡ Keep the device away from central heating radiators and
electric heaters. Never expose it to direct sunlight.
Ǡ Use the device in dry rooms only.
Use a damp cloth for cleaning the device. Do not use any
Ǡ Do not wear your personal sound amplifier when eating or
drinking in order to protect it from getting soiled.
Ǡ Many modern appliances (e.g. microwave, television set,
lighting transformers) generate strong electromagnetic fields.
In the proximity of these appliances, your A 200 personal
sound amplifier can be subject to interference.
Technical data
Audio frequency response 200–12,000 Hz
Transducer principle:
Headphones dynamic
Microphones 2 electret mics, stereo
Acoustic amplification max. 30 dB
Characteristic SPL at 1 kHz max. 105 dB
Operating time max. 12 h with one accuplug
Weight incl. accuplug 51 g
Supply schedule: 1 A 200 personal sound amplifier
1 L 200 charging unit
1 plug-in mains unit for L 200
(available for different
operating voltages)
1 BA 151 accuplug
1 set of replacement ear-cushions
1 set of sealing tapes
Subject to alterations.