Date Revised: .
Date Issued : Sep. 20. 2000
MSDS No. B-1023
Section 4. First-Aid Measures
Inhalation : Remove to fresh air. Seek medical attention if breathing becomes difficult.
Skin Contact :Remove contaminated clothing. Flush affected area with water. Seek medical attention if irritation develops
and persists.
Eye Contact : Flush immediately with plenty of water. Remove contact lenses and continue flushing for at least 15 minutes.
Seek medical attention if irritation develops and persists.
Ingestion : Immediately rinse mouth out with plenty of water. If within 30 minutes after ingestion, give victim a small glass
of water or milk (NEVER give anything by mouth to an unconscious person). Contact physician or poison
center. Do not induce vomiting unless instructed to do so by a physician or poison center.
Section 5. Fire-Fighting Measures
Flash Point : Not applicable
Autoignition : Not applicable
Flammability Limits (%) : Not applicable
Extinguishing Media : Water, foam, carbon dioxide or dry chemical.
Firefighting : Fire may produce small amounts of hazardous decomposition products such as carbon dioxide, carbon mon-
oxide, and unidentified organics. NIOSH approved self contained breathing apparatus may be required if a
large number of cartridges is involved.
Fire and Explosion Hazard : No unusual fire or explosion hazards are known for this product.
Hazardous Combustion Products : Oxides of carbon, organic acids, low molecular weight organics.
Section 6. Accidental Release Measures
The volume of liquid in a cartridge is minimal. Absorb small ink spills with cloth or paper towels or other suitable material. Place
in a container for disposal. For large spills, involving a large number of cartridges, dike around spill with absorbent material.
Transfer contaminated diking material to separate, suitable containers for recovery or disposal. Ventilate area and wash spill
site after material pickup is complete. Unless specifically permitted, keep waste out of sewers, watershed and waterways. See
Section 13 for information on the disposal of recovered material.
Section 7. Handling and Storage
To avoid damage to cartridge and accidental contact with ink - KEEP OUT OF REACH OF SMALL CHILDREN.
S e c ti on 8 . E xp o s u r e C on tr o l /P e r s on al Pr ot ec t i o n
Ventilation : None required with intended use. Mechanical room ventilation is rec-
Eye Protection : None required for intended use in printer.
Protective Clothing : None required for intended use in printer.
Gloves : None required for intended use in printer.
Section 9. Physical and Chemical Properties
Description : Printer cartridge with sealed ink reservoirs. Ink has faint odor.
Melting Point : Not applicable Freezing Point : Not applicable
Pressurized :No Boiling Point : Not applicable
pH : Not applicable Specific Gravity (H20 = 1) :Not applicable
Evaporation Rate : Not applicable Water Solubility : Ink is water soluble.
% Volatility : Not applicable
Section 10. Stability and Reactivity
Conditions to Avoid : None known
Incompatibilities : None known
Hazardous Decomposition : Oxides of carbon, acid gases, low molecular weight organics
Polymerization : This product will not polymerize.
all.book Page 126 Wednesday, January 31, 2001 4:29 PM