Date Revised: .
Date Issued : Sep. 20. 2000
MSDS No. B-1024
Se cti on 1. Pr odu ct an d Co mp any I de nt ifi cat io n
Product Name : Color Ink-Cartridge AJ-C50C
Supplier Identification : Sharp Corporation
22-22 Nagaike-cho, Abeno-ku, Osaka, Japan
Manufacturer : Lexmark International, Inc.
740 West New Circle Rd. Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Emergency telephone number : 1-859-232-3333
Local suppliers are listed below. Please contact the nearest supplier for additional information.
Se ction 2. Ing redi en ts
Ingredients CAS No. Proportion OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV Other
Water Soluble Dyes (1) 1-8 None None None
Water Soluble (1) 13-24 None None None
Organic Solvents
Hydroxylated Alkane (1) (2) 0.5-8 None None None
Water 7732-18-5 60-75 None None None
Notes: (1) Trade secret or patented molecule.
Dye corresponding to color of ink:
Magenta: New Jersey Trade Secret Registration Number 80100451-5005.
Cyan: New Jersey Trade Secret Registration Number 80100451-5007.
Yellow: New Jersey Trade Secret Registration Number 80100451-5012.
(2) New Jersey Trade Secret Registration Number 80100451-5004.
Section 3. Hazardous Identification
The following information is based on data obtained from the characteristics of ink component chemicals.
Primary Routes of Entry : Skin contact, ingestion of ink
Signs and Symptoms of Exposure : Ink stains on skin or mucus membranes (mouth, eyes & nose) may cause discomfort.
Medical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure : None known at intended levels of use.
Inhalation : Short Term Exposure - If ink mist is inhaled, respiratory tract irritation may occur. Exposure not probable with
intended use.
Long Term Exposure - No adverse chronic effects known. Exposure not probable with intended use.
Skin Contact : Short Term Exposure - The ink is slightly irritating to skin.
Long Term Exposure - No adverse chronic effects known. Not a dermal sensitiser. Exposure not probable with
intended use.
Eye Contact : Short Term Exposure - Ink is moderately irritating to the eye.
Long Term Exposure - No adverse chronic effects known. Exposure is not probable with intended use.
Ingestion : Short Term Exposure - Oral toxicity expected to be low. Exposure not probable with intended use.
Long Term Exposure - No adverse chronic effects known. Exposure not probable with intended use.
Section 4. First-Aid Measures
Inhalation : Remove to fresh air. Seek medical attention if breathing becomes difficult.
Skin Contact :Remove contaminated clothing. Flush affected area with water. Seek medical attention if irritation develops
and persists.
Eye Contact : Flush immediately with plenty of water. Remove contact lenses and continue flushing for at least 15 minutes.
Seek medical attention if irritation develops and persists.
Ingestion : Immediately rinse mouth out with plenty of water. If within 30 minutes after ingestion, give victim a small glass
of water or milk (NEVER give anything by mouth to an unconscious person). Contact physician or poison
center. Do not induce vomiting unless instructed to do so by a physician or poison center.
(Country) (Name and Telephone Number)
U.S.A. Sharp Electronics Corporation
Telephone number for information: 1-800-237-4277
Canada Sharp Electronics of Canada Ltd.
Telephone number for information : 905-890-2100
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