
Changing the C4630 SE Main Keypad SOURCE Buttons
The Source Selector buttons on the C4630 SE Main
Keypad are labeled to indicate the specific sources in use
on the system. The keypad comes with the following
buttons already installed: Tuner, CD/DVD, Sat, TV/Aux.
The keypad also comes with a sheet of replacement
Source buttons that are labeled for a wide variety of
common source components. To change the Main Keypad
Source buttons:
1. If the keypad is connected, disconnect it from the
DAB1 and from the Numeric Keypad.
2. Use a screwdriver or similar tool to release the keypad
bezel tabs (see
Figure 20
3. Remove the keypad bezel and Source buttons from the
keypad as shown in
Figure 20
:: DDoo nnoott ttoouucchh tthhee eexxppoosseedd ppoorrttiioonn ooff
tthhee kkeeyyppaadd cciirrccuuiitt bbooaarrdd..
4. The four Source buttons are a single unit. Use a razor knife or similar tool to remove the
button(s) you want to replace.
5. Use a razor knife or similar tool to separate the desired Source button(s) from the sheet of
replacement buttons that’s included with the keypad.
6. Place all 4 of the desired Source buttons into the keypad bezel. The tabs on the buttons will
fit-into the depressions adjacent to the openings on the back of the bezel (see
Figure 21
7. Snap the keypad bezel back into place on the keypad.
8. Test all buttons for free movement. If any of the buttons are tight or hang up, carefully remove,
realign and replace the bezel.
Insert Tool
Into Openings
Remove Bezel and Source Buttons
Figure 20: Removing the SOURCE Buttons
from the Main Keypad
Figure 21:
OURCE Button Tabs