DAB1 Front Panel Controls and Indicators (see
Figure 30
11.. UUSSBB PPoorrtt::
Connects the DAB1 to a USB-capable computer for programming via the Sonance Control Manager software.
22.. TTuunneerr PPrreesseett BBuuttttoonnss::
Tunes the DAB1’s internal FM/AM tuner to any of 12 previously-programmed FM or AM stations.
33.. TTuunneerr UUPP//DDOOWWNN BBuuttttoonnss::
Tunes the DAB1’s internal FM/AM tuner to the next higher or next lower receivable radio
44.. FFMM//AAMM SSeelleeccttoorr B
Switches the DAB1’s internal tuner between FM and AM reception.
55.. SSyysstteemm SSttaattuuss//TTuunneerr DDiissppllaayy::
Displays the following information: System ON/OFF Status, Zone Being Controlled,
Zone ON/OFF status, Zone Source Selection, current radio station, status of Zone Volume, Mute, Treble, Bass,
Balance and Paging Volume.
66.. AA
Illuminates green whenever any zone run by the DAB1 is ON.
Illuminates red as long as the DAB1’s power cord is plugged-into a live outlet.
88.. IIRR RReecceeiivveerr::
Allows direct control of the DAB1 by the included IR remote control. The IR Receiver also passes IR
commands from the DAB1 IR remote control (and when the rear-panel IR P
ASS-THROUGH switch is ON, IR commands from
3rd-party remotes) through to the rear-panel C
OMMON IR outputs.
99.. ZZoonnee FFuunnccttiioonn VVaalluuee BBuuttttoonnss::
Operates in tandem with the Zone Function Select Button (#10). Modifies the follow-
ing parameters in the Zone being controlled: Volume Offset, Treble, Bass, Balance and Paging Volume. Mutes/Un-mutes
the Zone when the center of the double button is pressed.
1100.. ZZoonnee FFuunnccttiioonn SSeelleecctt BBuuttttoonn::
Selects between Volume, Treble, Bass, Balance and Paging Volume for the Zone being
controlled. When the button is pressed and held for 10 seconds the display shows the Firmware version installed. Press
the Z
ONE POWER Button (#11) to return to the menu.
• To lock-in changes made to a Zone’s the Volume Offset, Treble, Bass, Balance and Paging Volume:
a) Hold-down the Zone Function Select button for 15 seconds