Specification Value
Sigma Steel Cooling Tower
Specifications: Base
1.0 Base:
1.1 Furnishandinstallaninduced-draft,
crossflow-type, field-erected, steel-
framed, PVC-fill, industrial-duty cooling
tower of _____ cell(s), as shown on
Plans. The limiting overall dimensions
of the tower shall be _____ wide,
_____ long, and _____ high to the top
of the fan cylinder. Total operating
horsepower of all fans shall not exceed
____ hp, consisting of ___ @ _____ hp
motor(s). Tower shall be similar and
equal in all respects to Marley Model
■ Your specification base establishes the type, configuration, base mate-
rial, and physical limitations of the cooling tower to be quoted. During
the planning and layout stages of your project, you will have focused
your attention on a cooling tower selection that fits your space allot-
ment, and whose power usage is acceptable. Limitations on physical
size and total operating horsepower avoid the introduction of unfore-
seen operational and site-related influences. Specifying the number of
cells, and the maximum fan hp/cell will work to your advantage.
Crossflow towers are noted for the accessibility and maintainability of
all operating components. The spacious interior provides easy access to
fill, drift eliminators, all basin accessories — and is one of two primary
access ways to the fan, Geareducer, and other mechanical components.
At the fan deck level, the hot water distribution basins are easily
inspected and cleaned — while the tower is operating, if you wish. The
mechanical equipment can also be readily accessed from this level.
Except for the cold water basin, no counterflow tower component
requiring routine maintenance is as easily accessed. The confined areas
that typify counterflow designs can make difficult work for maintenance