Specification Value
Sigma Steel Cooling Tower
Specifications: Base
9.2 The top of the tower shall be equipped
with a sturdy 42" high guardrail sys-
tem, complete with top rails, interme-
diate rails and toeboards, conforming
to OSHA standards. Guardrails and
posts shall consist of 1.66" O.D. x 15
gauge galvanized structural tubing.
Posts shall be spaced on centers of 8'-
0" or less.
9.3 One endwall of the tower shall be
equipped with a 20" wide aluminum
vertical ladder, through-bolted to the
endwall structure. Ladder shall rise
from the cold water basin level to the
top of the fan deck guardrail, and shall
be designed and installed in confor-
mance with OSHA standards.
10.0 Cold Water Collection Basin:
10.1 The collection basin shall be heavy-
gauge galvanized steel and shall
include the number and type of suction
connections required to accommodate
the out-flow piping system shown on
the plans. Suction connections shall be
equipped with debris screens. A fac-
tory installed, float operated, mechani-
cal make-up valve shall be included. An
overflow and drain connection shall be
provided in each cell of the tower. The
basin floor shall slope toward the drain
to allow complete flush out of debris
and silt which may accumulate.
11.0 Scope of Work:
11.1 The cooling tower manufacturer shall
be responsible for the design, fabrica-
tion, and delivery of materials to the
project site, and for the erection of
the tower over supports provided by
others. Unless otherwise specified, all
external piping, pumps, controls, and
electrical wiring will be outside the
cooling tower manufacturer's scope of
tion, alerting you to a potential maintenance head-
■ Good maintenance practice requires period-
ic access to the top of the tower to inspect
the distribution basins, as well as the struc-
tural integrity of the fan deck, fan cylinder,
and fan — especially the fan blade secur-
ing hardware. There are no induced-draft
cooling tower designs that are immune to
this need!
■ For the comfort and safety of your operating personnel, the Sigma
Steel tower includes a ladder and guardrail of the quality and design
indicated — and we strongly recommend that you require it of all bid-
ders! Portable ladders and other "make-do" access means are inappro-
priate for equipment of this size and complexity.
This basic specification assumes that the tower will be erected over
a concrete basin at grade level. If the tower is to be installed on an
elevated supporting platform, the steel cold water collection basin indi-
cated on page 24 should be included in the specifications.
■ Please be clear in your specifications and inquiry
documents regarding the full scope of work
expected. That will help assure that your
bid comparisons will be made on as equal
a basis as possible—and will help to
avoid any misunderstandings during