P P-controller Control loop with purely proportional behavior
Phase shift Compensation for the lag between the electromagnetic
and magnetic fields in the motor
PID-controller Control loop with proportional, integral and
differential behavior
PID-T2 Filter time constant for the speed controller output
Position controller Regulates the difference between the position setpoint
and the actual position to 0
Output : speed setpoint
Potential isolation Electrically decoupled
Power contactor System protection device with phase monitoring
Pulse power of the regen circuit Maximum power which can be dissipated in the
regen circuit
R Regen circuit Converts superfluous energy, which is fed back
during braking, into heat in the regen resistor
Reset New start of the microprocessor
Resolver-digital converter Conversion of the analog resolver signals into
digital information
Reversing mode Operation with a periodic change of direction
Ring core Ferrite rings for interference suppression
ROD-Interface Incremental position output
S Servo amplifier Control device for regulating the position of a
Setpoint ramps Limits for the rate of change of the speed setpoint
Short to ground Electrically conductive connection between a
phase and PE (protective earth (ground))
Short-circuit here: electrically conductive connection between
two phases
Speed controller Regulates the difference between the speed setpoint
and the actual value to 0
Output : current setpoint
SSI-interface Cyclic-absolute, serial position output
Supply filter Device to divert interference on the power supply
cables to PE
T T-tacho, tachometer time constant Filter time constant in the speed feedback
of the control loop
Tachometer voltage Voltage proportional to the actual speed
Thermostat Temperature-sensitive switch built into the
motor winding
Tn, I-integration time Integral section of a control loop
Z Zero pulse Output once per turn from incremental encoders,
used to zero the machine
601...620 Product Manual
07/2007 Danaher Motion