Previous versions :
Edition Remarks
05/98 First edition
08/98 a few corrections
various minor corrections, parameter description removed, parameter setting for multi-axis systems and
on/off switching behavior added, Installation/setup divided into two chapters
01/99 614 added, various minor corrections
02/99 Interface relay for digital outputs (pages 26, 43)
06/99 various corrections, cables and connectors removed, choke box added
08/99 24V tolerance, encoder wiring, ventilation
11/99 Packaging, regen resistor
12/99 Option -AS- integrated, ground-bolt, master-slave
04/00 various corrections, setup software on CDROM only, motors 6SM27LL and 6SM37VL added
06/00 Wiring diagrams electr. gearing, warning and error messages, recommended torque
08/00 Wiring diagram in chapter III.9.2 corrected
S610-30 and options -I/O-14/08- and -2CAN - incorporated, hardware-description incorporated for
PROFIBUS and SERCOS, nameplate, motor list and connector assignment corrected, LED-display cor
rected, error messages expanded
02/02 Dimensions BAR corrected
Frontpage new design, corrections to US English, motor table removed, order numbers added,
last page new design and contents, new; connection to diff. mains supply networks, block diagram to ch.III
07/03 several corrections, DeviceNet expansion card added, directives and standards page revised, cover design
09/03 Ethernet expansion card and Single axis controller expansion card added
03/04 new regen resistors BAR(U), several corrections
Company name updated, expansion cards updated, new sections on EtherCat and SynqNet, chapter l re-
structured, new sections on motor chokes, Encoder power supply and encoder termination, various error
corrections, new ordering codes, Feedback section revised, BAR removed, cross section (awg)
09/06 Hardware Revision, disposal acc. to WEEE-2002/96/EG, new structure+cover pages, Quickstart integrated
Part number scheme, servo system graphics expanded, shock-hazard protection new, BISS feedback,
feedback expanded, enc. emulation, switch-on/off behavior and AS updated, accessories removed,
DC-Bus link expanded, fuses regen resistor
07/07 Timing diagramm motor brake, motor connector, example cat.3 to EN954-1
Hardware Revision (HR)
Hardware Rev. Firmware Rev. DRIVE.EXE Rev. Remarks
05.10 >= 5.76 <= 5.53_284 Firmware >=6.68 required with BISS
WINDOWS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.
HIPERFACE is a registered trademark of Max Stegmann GmbH
EnDat is a registered trademark of Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH
SERVOSTAR is a registered trademark of Danaher Motion
Technical changes which improve the performance of the equipment may be made without prior notice !
Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form (by printing, photocopying, microfilm or any other
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