1.1 Description of the Binary Solvent Delivery Module
The system consists of two Series III high performance metering
pumps, in a compact package with pulse dampener and an off-line
pressure transducer. The pumps use a drawer system for easy access to
internal components for troubleshooting & service. These features
allow for:
f Fast & easy setup:
Two inlet connection (from solvent reservoirs)
One outlet connection (to injector)
All connections accessible from front panel
f Modular:
Can be added to any system
f All Stainless steel or PEEK Fluid path, including pumps, valves
and fittings
f Modular pump bays for easy replacement and maintenance
f Self flushing pump heads for extended seal life and reduced
f Pulse Dampener for reduced pulsation.
f Very high performance/price ratio
f Easily user adjustable process set points (flow rate, pressure. etc.)
via front key pads
f Digital readout of process parameters
f User settable upper/lower pressure and temperature limits
f RS-232 serial PC interface
f Compact size—Requires only 11 inches of bench space
The low pulsation flow produced by the reciprocating, single-
piston pump is achieved by using an advanced rapid-refill cam design,
programmed stepper motor acceleration, and an internal pulse damper.
1.1.1 Pump Features
They include:
• Rapid refill mechanism to reduce pulsation
• Stainless Steel or PEEK™ pumps head
• LED front panel readout of flow rate, pressure and upper/lower
pressure limits
• Flow adjustment in 0.001 ml increments, from 0.001 to 5.000
ml/min with a precision of 0.2% RSD (5mL/min heads)