CS OK,x.xx,y,z,PSI,w,v,u/
(x.xxx, xx.xx, or xxx.x)
(y, yy, yyy, or yyyy)
(z, zz, zzz, or zzzz)
Reads the current pump setup, where:
x.xxx, xx.xx, or xxx.x = Flow rate in mL/min
y, yy, yyy, or yyyy = Upper pressure limit
z, zz, zzz, or zzzz = Lower pressure limit
PSI = Units (PSI, ATM, MPA, BAR, or KGC)
w = Pump head size (0 = standard, 1 = macro)
v = Run status (0 = stopped, 1 = running)
u = Pressure Board present = 0; otherwise 1
ID OK,vx.xx SR3O firmware/ Identifies the pump type and EPROM revision x.xx
UPxxxx OK/ Sets the upper pressure limit in PSI. The maximum value
for xxxx is 5000 for the plastic head or 6000 for the steel
head; the minimum value is the lower limit plus 100. The
value must be expressed as four digits, i.e., for 900 PSI
xxxx = 0900.
LPxxxx OK/ Sets the lower pressure limit in PSI. The maximum value
for xxxx is the current upper pressure limit setting minus
100; the minimum value is 0. The value must be
expressed as four digits, i.e., for 100 PSI xxxx = 0100.
SF OK/ Puts the pump in fault mode. Turns on the FAULT LED
and stops the pump immediately.
RF OK,x,y,z/ Reads the fault status, where:
x = Motor stall fault (0 = no, 1 = yes)
y = Upper pressure limit fault (0 = no, 1 = yes)
z = Lower pressure limit fault (0 = no, 1 = yes)
KD OK/ Disables the keypad. (Default status at power-up is
KE OK/ Enables the keypad.
PCxx OK/ Sets the pressure compensation value, where xx = the
operating pressure (in PSI divided by 100),
i.e., for 0 PSI xx = 00, for 5000 PSI xx = 50.
RC OK,x/
(x or xx)
Reads the pressure compensation value in hundreds of
PSI, i.e., for 0 PSI x = 0, for 5000 PSI xx = 50.
HTx OK/ Sets the pump head type, where:
x = 1 for a stainless steel 10 mL/min pump head
x = 2 for a plastic 10 mL/min pump head
x = 3 for a stainless steel 40 mL/min pump head
x = 4 for a plastic 40 mL/min pump head
x = 5 for a stainless steel 5 mL/min pump head
x = 6 for a plastic 5 mL/min pump head
The pump is stopped; and, the pressure compensation
and pressure limits are initialized, when the head type is
RH OK,x/ Reads the pump head type, where:
x = 1 for a stainless steel 10 mL/min pump head
x = 2 for a plastic 10 mL/min pump head
x = 3 for a stainless steel 40 mL/min pump head
x = 4 for a plastic 40 mL/min pump head
x = 5 for a stainless steel 5mL/min pump head
x = 6 for a plastic 5 mL/min pump head