No Type/Description
011 Second Alarm
Activates when a different detector causes an
alarm and remains active for the duration of
the "2nd Alarm Time". This output is normally
used for an ALARM CONFIRMATION signal.
012 Courtesy Light
Activates during entry and when any remote
keypad is used. The duration of this output is
controlled by the setting of the "COURTESY
DUR" timer.
013 Engineer On Site
Activates when the engineer’s passcode is
entered and deactivates when a user
passcode is entered.
014 Circuits Omitted
Activates when any circuit is omitted and
deactivates when all circuits are reinstated.
015 Auxiliary
Activates when an Auxiliary alarm is detected
and deactivates when the alarm is reset.
016 Part Set C Selected
Activates when "Part Set C" is selected.
Deactivates when the system is unset.
017 Part Set B Selected
Activates when "Part Set B" is selected.
Deactivates when the system is unset.
018 Part Set A Selected
Activates when "Part Set A" is selected.
Deactivates when the system is unset.
019 Full Set Selected
Activates when "Full Set" is selected.
Deactivates when the system is unset.
020 Tamper Fault
Activates when a Tamper alarm is detected
and deactivates when the alarm is reset.
021 Signal Jammed
Activates when the control panel detects a
continuous radio signal for 30 seconds on the
same frequency used by the detectors.
Deactivates when the signal is removed.
022 Mains Off
Activates when mains power is removed and
deactivates when the mains power is restored.
023 Exit / Entry
Activates when the panel is in the exit or entry
No Type/Description
024 Test Fail
Activates when a circuit fails test,, deactivates
when reset by the engineer.
025 First Knock
Activates when a double knock circuit is
activated for the first time. Deactivates when
the circuit is activated for the second time or
when the system is reset.
026 Abort
Activates for 5 seconds after an alarm is
aborted by the user. The period in which the
alarm may be aborted is set by the "Abort
Delay" see System Timers.
027 Timed Output
Activates when a "Monitored" circuit is
triggered and remains active for the duration
of the "Monitor Delay" see System Timers.
028 Chime Mimic
Activates for 2 seconds when a circuit that is
programmed as "chime" is activated.
029 2nd Entry
Activates when the second entry timer is
started and deactivates when the second
entry timer expires.
030 Entry
Activates when the panel is in the entry mode.
031 Exit
Activates when the panel is in the exit mode.
032 Duress Alarm
Activates when a duress passcode is entered
and deactivates when the duress alarm is
033 System Part Set
Activates when the system is part set fails to set
and deactivates when the system is fully set or
034 Battery Fault
Activates when a battery fault occurs and
deactivates when the battery fault is cleared.
035 Set Fail
Activates when the system fails to set and
deactivates when the set fail condition is reset
by the user.
036 System Open
Acti vates when t he system i s unset,,
deactivates when the system is fully set or
TS690R Installation Manual Engineer’s Menu 1