06 Bell Duration
This controls the duration of the external
bell/sounder. If the timer is set to 199 the bell
output is continuous. This timer has a working
range of 000-199 minutes.
07 Bell Delay
This timer delays the activation of the external
bell/sounder and internal sounders. This timer
has a working range of 000-199 minutes. Note:
Any alarm during the entry procedure will
cancel the bell delay.
08 Double Knock Delay
This is the “Double Knock” time window in which
either two circuit activation must occur within
this time to generate an alarm condition. Or
the circuit must remain active for the whole
duration of this time to generate an alarm
condition. This will only apply to circuits with the
“Double Knock” attribute. This timer has a
working range of 000-199 seconds.
09 Test Time
This timer varies the number of days that “Test”
attribute may be applied to a circuit. If the
timer is set to 000 then circuits will remain on
test until the “Test” attribute is removed. This
timer has a working range of 000-030 days.
10 Second Entry
When the “Entry Timer” has expired the “2nd
Entry timer” starts to count down, if at the end of
this time the system or area has not been unset
then a full alarm will be generated. This timer
has a working range of 000-199 seconds.
11 Abort Delay
This timer sets the period in which the alarm
signal may be aborted following an alarm
condition. When an alarm occurs, the “Abort
Output” (043) is only activated if the system is
unset within this period. If the system is unset
after this period the abort output is NOT
activated. This timer has a working range of
000-199 seconds.
12 Monitor Delay
This timer affects the duration of the “Timed
Output” (No. 042). This timer has a working
range of 000-199 minutes.
13 Part Set Bell Delay
This is a "Part-Set Bell Delay" and operates as
a) If the "Pset Com.Dly" is set to 000 and an
alarm is activated whilst the system is part-set,
the "Bell Delay" timer is started. At the end of the
bell delay the internal sounders are activated
for the duration of the "Pset Bel.Dly". At the end
of this delay the bell output is activated.
b) If the "Pset Com.Dly" is not set to 000 and
an alarm is activated whilst the system is
part-set, the "Bell Delay" timer is cancelled and
the internal sounders are activated for the
duration of the "Pset Bel.Dly". At the end of this
delay the bell output is activated.
If the "Part Set Bell Delay" timer is set to 199 the
bell output is not activated when an alarm
occurs whilst the system is part set. This timer
has a working range of 000 - 199 seconds.
14 Courtesy Duration
This timer is used to control the duration of the
output type “Courtesy Light”. This timer has a
working range of 000-199 seconds.
15 AC Off Delay
This timer delays the “audible” mains off
indication when the mains power is removed.
The display and any outputs programmed as
“Mains Off” are not affected. This timer has a
working range of 000-199 minutes.
TS690R Installation Manual Engineer’s Menu 1
Enter new timer value
Enter timer No.
e.g. 04 for exit time
e.g. 045
E / MENU 1
System Timers Flowchart