P5205 Instruction Manual
Getting Started
This section describes the High Voltage Differential Probe and gives
instructions on how to install and functionally test the probe.
Features and Accessories
The P5205 probe shown in Figure 1 provides a safe means of
measuring circuits with floating high voltages. The probe outputs a
low-voltage, ground-referenced signal for di splay on instruments
with the TEKPROBE interface (or any oscilloscope or other
measurem ent instrument when used with the Tektronix 1103
TEKPROBE power supply).
To protect you from RF and high voltage, the case of the probe is
nonconductive, internally shielded, and isolated. The internal shie ld
connect s to earth ground through the output lead. The case of the
probe and control buttons are isolated and double insulated. This
protection extends up to the full input rating of the probe.
The accessories supplied with the probe meet the same safety
standards as the probe. You may use other accessories i f the y are
approved for the maximum voltage present in your application and
have the same style and size connectors.
The P5205 probe al lows clear and accurate measurements of
high-speed transitions and provides excellent rejection of common-
mode signals. Both inputs have high impedance and low c apacitance.
Because of these features, the probe can safely measure the fast
voltage tra nsients in switching power devices without damaging
Other applications for the P5205 probe include testing high-voltage
motor control circuits and line-connected circuits in switc h-mode
power supplies.
For a complete list of replaceable accessories and part ordering
information, see the Replaceable Parts section, starting on page 35.