
Operating Basics
P5205 Instruction Manual
1000 V
100 V
DC or 0 10 M 100 M1M
Frequency (Hz)
5M 50M
500 V
50 V
100 k 500 k
Category II maximum
voltage limit (1,000 V)
RF burn risk area
Voltage derating
with frequency
Figure 2: Safety Limits (voltage between either input and earth ground)
Operating Characteristics and Probing Techniques
This section explains the operating characteristics of the High
Volta ge Differential Probe along with techniques you can use to
maximize the performance of the probe.
Operating Limits
The P5205 probe has two operating ranges that you select with the
ATTENUATION button on the front panel:
H Select the 50X range for inputs of 0 V to 130 V (DC + pea k AC).
H Select the 500X range for inputs of 130 V to 1300 V (DC +
peak AC).