Clear Working Buffer
CWB Modes of Operation
With Version 5.0 and later software, there are four modes of
operation for the CLEAR WORK BUFR button:
1. Single press of the CLEAR WORK BUFR button — Clears the
Current Working Buffer except Keyers. This clears the CWB to
User-Defined Defaults for all enabled levels, but leaves the
key memory portion of the CWB unaffected.
2. Double press of the CLEAR WORK BUFR button — Clears the
Current Working Buffer including Keyers. This is the same as
a single press of the button, with the addition of key memory
parameters being cleared (crosspoints are unaffected).
3. Single press of the CLEAR WORK BUFR button while holding
down a key bus crosspoint button — Clears only the key
memory portion of the Current Working Buffer for the
selected key crosspoint. (This includes clearing any split keys
for that key crosspoint.)
4. Double press of the
CLEAR WORK BUFR button while holding
down a key bus crosspoint button — Clears the Current
Working Buffer for a selected E-MEM level and clears any
split keys for that key crosspoint: