Section 4— Switcher Operations
Setting Transition Rates
You can adjust the transition rate for an auto transition or Key mix
(DSK mix on the 4000-2B) using any rate from 1 to 999 frames:
1. In the E-MEM Subpanel , select TRAN RATE. The query:
SET WHICH RATE? displays.
2. Delegate to the Transition subpanel that you want to set an
auto transition rate for by pressing M/E 1, ME/2, PGM/PST, or
. You can change all at once by pressing ENABL ALL.
3. The display queries:
RATE = ?
4. Use the E-MEM numeric keypad to enter the number of
television frames for the transition rate. Enter a rate from
0 through 999.
5. Press ENTER to complete the rate entry. (If 3 numbers are used
the completion is automatic. If less than 3 numbers are
entered, complete the entry with the
ENTER button.) The
transition rate shown in the rate display near the associated
transition controls changes to the new rate.