Appendix A: Accessories and Options
AFG3000 Series Arbitrary/Function Generators Reference Manual A-3
Fuse Adapter. The arbitrary/function generator will be damaged if a large DC or
AC voltage is applied to the output or input connectors. To protect the output
circuits, a fuse adapter is provided as an optional accessory. When the instrument
is used by students or other inexperienced users, always attach the fuse adapter to
the output connectors to avoid damage.
Figure A-1: Fuse adapter
International Power Cord
Option A0, North American 161-0066-00
Option A1, European 161-0099-09
Option A2, United Kingdom 161-0099-10
Option A3, Australian 161-0099-13
Option A5, Switzerland 161-0154-00
Option A6, Japanese 161-0298-00
Option A10. China 161-0304-00
50 Ω BNC Termination 011-0049-01
50 Ω BNC Cable, 91 cm (36 in), W shield 012-0482-00
50 Ω BNC Cable, 250 cm (98 in), W shield 012-1256-00
Fuse adapter, BNC-P to BNC-R 013-0345-00
Fuse set, 3 pcs, 0.125 A 159-0454-00
Table A-3: Optional accessories (cont.)
Accessory Part number
Fuse adapter
0.125 A fuse