Syntax and Commands
AFG3000 Series Arbitrary/Function Generators Reference Manual 3-9
Command Groups
This section lists the commands organized by functional group. The Command
Descriptions section, starting on page 3-15, lists all commands alphabetically.
Calibration and Diagnostic Commands. Calibration and Diagnostic commands let
you initiate the instrument self-calibration routines and examine the results of diag-
nostic tests. Table 3-5 lists Calibration and Diagnostic commands.
Display Commands. Display commands let you change the graticule style,
displayed contrast, and other display attributes. Table 3-6 lists and describes
Display commands.
Memory Commands. Memory commands let you change setup memory attributes.
Table 3-7 lists and describes Memory commands.
Table 3-5: Calibration and Diagnostic commands
Header Description
*CAL? Perform self-calibration and return result status
CALibration[:ALL] Perform self-calibration
DIAGnostic[:ALL] Perform self-test
*TST? Perform self-test and return result status
Table 3-6: Display commands
Header Description
DISPlay:CONTrast Set/query the LCD display contrast
DISPlay:SAVer[:STATe] Set/query the screen saver settings
DISPlay[:WINDow]:TEXT[:DATA] Set/query the text message display
DISPlay[:WINDow]:TEXT:CLEar Delete text message
Table 3-7: Memory commands
Header Description
MEMory:STATe:VALid? Query the availability of setup memory
MEMory:STATe:DELete Delete the setup memory
MEMory:STATe:LOCK Set/query the lock of setup memory overwrite and deletion
MEMory:STATe:RECall:AUTo Set/query the recall of last set memory
*RCL Recall instrument setting from setup memory
*SAV Save instrument setting to setup memory