Command Groups
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual
Table 2–13: Horizontal Commands (Cont.)
Header Description
HORizontal:DELay:MODe Delay time base mode
HORizontal:DELay:SCAle Delay time base time per division
HORizontal:DELay:SECdiv Same as HORizontal:DELay:SCAle
HORizontal:DELay:TIMe Delay time
HORizontal:DELay:TIMe? Return delay time parameters
HORizontal:DELay:TIMe:RUNSAfter Time to wait in delay-runs-after-main mode
HORizontal:DELay:TIMe:TRIGAfter Time to wait in delay-runs-after-trigger mode
(TDS 500C & 700C)
Enable or disable extended acquisition length
mode when InstaVu mode is not on
(TDS 500C & 700C)
Select FastFrame count
(TDS 500C & 700C)
Select length of each FastFrame frame
(TDS 500C & 700C)
Select FastFrame frame to display
(TDS 500C & 700C)
Setup FastFrame acquisition
HORizontal:FITtoscreen Setup waveform compress
HORizontal:MAIn? Return main time per division
HORizontal:MAIn:SCAle Main time base time per division
HORizontal:MAIn:SECdiv Same as HORizontal:MAIn:SCAle
HORizontal:MODe Turn delay time base on or off
HORizontal:POSition Portion of waveform to display
HORizontal:RECOrdlength Number of points in waveform record
(TDS 500C & 700C)
Set the selected live channel’s record start that
is to be used in extended acquisition length
(TDS 400A)
Set roll mode to auto or off
HORizontal:SCAle Same as HORizontal:MAIn:SCAle
HORizontal:SECdiv Same as HORizontal:MAIn:SCAle
HORizontal:TRIGger? Return trigger position
HORizontal:TRIGger:POSition Main time base trigger position