Programming Examples
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual
hard disk C, you want to store the examples in drive C, and the examples
diskette is in drive B, you might type:
mkdir examples
cd examples
copy b:\q-basic\*.* .
4. For this installation, you will also want to copy QBDECL.BAS and QBIB.OBJ
from your Tektronix S3FG210 (National Instruments GPIB-PCII/IIA) GPIB
drivers directory to the directory your example programs are in. For
example, if the GPIB drivers are in the gpib-pc directory and you are in the
example programs directory, you would type:
copy \gpib-pc\qbdecl.bas .
copy \gpib-pc\qbib.obj .
5. Perform the following two steps for example programs:
a. Compile the program by using the following command:
bc /o <file>.bas;
where <file> is one of the example program names.
To compile MEAS.BAS, type: bc /o meas.bas;
To compile COMM.BAS, type: bc /o comm.bas;
To compile GETWFM.BAS, type: bc /o getwfm.bas;
To compile CURSOR.BAS, type: bc /o cursor.bas;
To compile TL.BAS, type: bc /o tl.bas;
b. Link the compiled program with the qbib.obj module to create the
executable program (file.EXE) by using the following command:
link <file>.obj+qbib.obj;
where <file> is one of the above program names.
To link MEAS.OBJ, type: link meas.obj+qbib.obj;
To link COMM.OBJ, type: link comm.obj+qbib.obj;
To link GETWFM.OBJ, type: link getwfm.obj+qbib.obj;
To link CURSOR.OBJ, type: link cursor.obj+qbib.obj;
To link TL.OBJ, type: link tl.obj+qbib.obj;