
Master Valve An automatic or manual control valve
located between the irrigation water source and the
sprinkler system valves and/or backflow preventer.
Normally Closed
A switch or control device that remains closed (off)
unless energized or activated by a control source.
Normally Open
A switch or control device that remains open (on) unless
energized or activated by a control source.
Odd/Even Schedule
An Odd or Even watering day schedule based on either
all odd-or even-numbered calendar days.
Outdoor Timer Model
A timer model with suitable for outdoor installation.
Plug-in Module
A small module that plugs into the ECXTRA that pro-
vides for the connection two additional watering zones.
Power Supply
The plug-in transformer used to supply 24 VAC to the
timer from 115 VAC house current.
Pump/Master Valve Control
The timer automatically turns on the Pump/Master Valve
circuit at the beginning of each watering cycle.
Pump Delay Time
The Pump/Master Valve control circuit is energized
before a program watering cycle begins, and is adjust-
able from 1 to 60 seconds. This feature enables the
pump to pressurize or master valve to open completely
prior to the start of the watering cycle.
Pump Start Relay
Since the timer is not designed to connect directly to
the pump, a 24 VAC pump start relay switch must be
installed between the timer and pump start circuit.
Rain Delay
This feature enables all watering operations to be
delayed from 1 to 7 days. For example, rain is forecast
for the next two days, and instead of turning the timer off
(and possibly forgetting to turn it back on), a rain delay of
3 days can be set. At the end of 3 days, the timer auto-
matically resumes watering operation as scheduled.
Rain Sensor
A rain sensor is a remote sensing device that signals the
timer to postpone automatic watering operation when rain
has been detected. The timer resumes watering operation
as scheduled when signaled by the rain sensor.
Rain Sensor Control Switch
The rain sensor control switch is provided to override
rain sensor operation as needed.
Rain Sensor Configuration Switch
Rain sensors are available in normally open (NO) and
normally closed (NC) configurations. The type used with
the ECXTRA is selected with the corresponding switch
Planning how long to water (zone run time), when to
water (program start time) and which days to water
(watering days).