
Season Adjust
Season Adjust enables the run time of all zones to be
adjusted up or down simultaneously in 10% increments
from 10% to 200%. Any increase over 100% will first
increase the time by the adjusted percentage, then split
the time in half and run the watering cycle twice.
Sensor Connection Terminals
Snap-in terminals for rain sensor wiring connections.
Start Time
A start time is the time selected to begin a watering pro-
gram cycle. Each program (A, B and C) can be assigned
with up to four different start times
Terminal Block
Connection point for 115 VAC input power in the
Outdoor model timer.
Time Pod
Portable electronic device used to transfer ECXTRA
watering schedule information from the PC-based
program to the ECXTRA timer.
See “Power Supply.”
Valve Common Wire
One solenoid wire connection from each sprinkler valve
connected to the timer’s “COM” terminal.
Watering Program
A watering program (or schedule) is the information
stored in the timer memory that determines when an
automatic watering cycle will occur and how long each
zone will water. The timer requires three basic instruc-
tions to operate automatically:
• Which days to water – called watering days.
• What time to start the watering program cycle –
program start time.
• How long each zone will water during the cycle –
zone run time
Watering Day
The day(s) of the week selected to water.
Watering Program Cycle
The ECXTRA is designed to operate one sprinkler zone at
a time. When a scheduled program start time occurs, the
lowest zone number (assigned to the program) starts and
waters for its set run time duration. When the zone times
out, the next zone in numeric sequence starts and runs for
its set run time duration. The watering cycle continues in this
manner until all assigned stations have operated.
Each valve controls a specific group of sprinklers called
a watering zone. The zones are generally laid out and
installed according to the various portions of the land-
scape to be watered, such as a lawn or flower bed. Each
valve is connected to a numbered terminal within the
timer, identifying it as Zone 1, Zone 2, etc.
Zone Run Time
The length of time a zone will operate during a watering
cycle. Run time can be set from 1 minute to 4 hours.