Connecting a DVD player with ColorStream ®(component video), a VCR,
and a sateJJJte receiver
TVbackpanel Fromantenna
SateiJJte receiverwith componentvideo or
DVDplayer withcomponentvideo
You will need:
• coaxial cables
• standardA/V cables
_ Ifyou have a mono VCR, connect L/MONO
on the TV toyour VCR's audio out terminal
using the white audio cable only
• standard audio cables
• component video cables
- Youcan connect the component video cables
(plus audio cables) from the DVD player or
satellite receiver to the ColorStream terminal
on the TV.The ColorStream HD terminal
can be used with Progressive (480p, 720p)
and Interlaced (480i, 1080i) scan systems.
A 1080i signal willprovide the bestpicture
performance (1080p is not supported).
- Ifyour DVD player or satelfite receiver
does not have component video, connect
a standard A/V cable to VIDEO on the side
panel. If your DVD player has HDMI video,
see page 16.
To view antenna or Cable channels:
Select the ANT/CABLEvideo input source on the TV.'_
To view the DVD player:
Turn ON the DVD player. Select the Co[orStream HD
video input source oll the TV.'_
To view satellite programs using the
component video connections:
Turn on the satellite receiver. Select the Co[orStream
HI} video input source on the TV.'_
To view the VCR or view and record
antenna channels:
Turn ON the VCR. Tune theVCR to the channel you want
to watch. Select the VIDE0video input source onthe TV.*
To record a TV program while watching a DVD:
Turn ON the VCR. Tune the VCR to the channel to
record. Select the Co[orStream HDvideo input source
on the TV* to view the DVD.
,,- To select the video input source, press INPUTon
the remote control (t:__page 21 ). To program the
TV remote control to operate other devices, see
Chapter 3.
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