To open the Channel Browser'S':
. Press _ 4 or _ _ on the remote control.
- Press L_ "_ to surf backward through the previously
tuned 32 channels in the History list, the channels
in the ANT/CABLE channel list, the inputs in
the inputs list, the REGZA-LINK devices in the
REGZA-LINK list, or the favorite channels/inputs
in the Favorites list.
., Press _ _ to surf forward through the channel
History, the ANT/CABLE channel list, the
inputs list, the REGZA-LINK list, or the favorite
channels/inputs in the Favorites list.
Elementsof the ChannelBrowser"
1 2 3
5 6
1 Current list (History, ANT/CABLEInputs_
Favorites,or REGZA-LINK)
2 Input type
3 Channel or input currently being viewed
4 Channel or input that is currently
highlighted in the browser
5 Channels stored in the History List
6 Channel labels
To toggle among the available lists:
After opening the Channel Browser '_',press A or
Y to toggle among History,ANT/CABLE,Inputs,
Favorites,and REGZA-LNK
No to:
o The Channel BrowseF opens in History
List by default. Once another list has been
selected, the Channel Browser Mwill open in the
last selected list.
• If all lists are turned off, pressing.....L_ _, _ I_,
or [] will not display the Channel BrowseF.
If Favorites List is turned off,[] will have no
• Pressing [] will bring up the Channel Browse/"
Favorites list regardless of the last selected list in
the Channel Browse/".
To tune to a channel or input in Browse
1 While watching TV, press _ "9 or _ I_"to open
the Channel Browser '_'and surf back to a previous
item or surf forward to the next item in the list.
[n Browse mode, when you stop on an item in
the Channel Browser '_',it will be highlighted and
the TV will automatically tune to the channel or
Press O to close the Channel Browser '_'.
(con tin _wd)