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(2) Data string of Kanji code
• When the font type is r, Chinese Kanji is used. GB18030 can be printed.
(3) Kanji code selection
• The character code is automatically selected in the manner described below.
c GB18030 (Chinese characters)
~ 20h to A0h: Half-width character Other codes: GB18030
A: Kanji [ ]
[D6h] [D0h]
[B9h] [FAh]
B: Kanji + Half-width character [ ABC abc]
[D6h] [D0h]
[41h] [42h] [43h] [B9h] [FAh] [61h] [62h] [63h]
A B C a b c
C: Half-width character [1 23ABC]
[32h] [33h] [41h] [42h] [43h]
1 2 3 A B C
(4) To mix Kanji and writable characters on the same field
• The character code should be specified in the manner described below.
c GB18030 (Chinese characters)
~ 20h to A0h: Half-width character Other codes: GB18030
A: Kanji [ ] + Writable character
[D6h] [D0h]
[B9h] [FAh] [FAh] [A1h]
Writable character
B: Kanji + Half-width character [ ABC abc] + Writable character
[D6h] [D0h]
[41h] [42h] [43h] [B9h] [FAh] [61h] [62h] [63h]
A B C a b c
[FAh] [A1h]
Writable character
C: Half-width character [1 23ABC] + Writable character
[32h] [33h] [41h] [42h] [43h] [FAh] [A1h]
1 2 3 A B C Writable character
Refer to Bit Map Font Format Command ([ESC] PC)