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Function Writes writable characters and logos in the ATA card.
Format [ESC] XA, j, aa, b(b), ccc(c), ddd(d), eee(e), fff(f), ggg(g), h, iii ------ iii [LF] [NUL]
Term j: Drive
1: Slot 1 on the PCMCIA board (Option)
2: Slot 2 on the PCMCIA board (Option)
aa: Writable character set
01 to 40
41 16 × 16 dots
42 24 × 24 dots
43 32 × 32 dots
44 48 × 48 dots
51 to 55 (2-byte code character)
b(b): Writable character code
20H to FFH (Set in hex.)
40H to 7EH, 80H to FCH (When the writable character set is 41 to 44)
2020H to FFFFH (When the writable character set is 51 to 55)
ccc(c): Left offset
B-SX4T: 000 to 831 (in dots)
B-SX5T: 000 to 1535 (in dots)
ddd(d): Top offset
B-SX4T and B-SX5T: 000 to 5460 (in dots)
eee(e): Character width
B-SX4T: 000 to 832 (in dots)
B-SX5T: 000 to 1536 (in dots)
fff(f): Character height
B-SX4T and B-SX5T: 000 to 5460 (in dots)
ggg(g): Horizontal spacing/proportional spacing
B-SX4T: 000 to 832 (in dots)
B-SX5T: 000 to 1536 (in dots)
h: Type of writable character data
0: Nibble mode (4 bits/byte)
1: Hex. mode (8 bits/byte)
iii --- iii: Writable character data to be stored
* If each parameter for left offset, top offset, character width, character height, and
horizontal spacing/proportional spacing is fixed as “000”, the setting is ignored when
the writable character set is 41 to 44.