2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002
2.1 Self-diagnostic Test
(9) Manual Threshold Check
M THRE. [R]5.0V [T]5.0V [RANK]1 305DPI
Average resistance
Average resistance
0 1432 to 1454 8 1242 to 1265
1 1409 to 1431 9 1219 to 1241
2 1385 to 1408 10 1195 to 1218
3 1361 to 1384 11 1171 to 1194
4 1337 to 1360 12 1147 to 1170
5 1314 to 1336 13 1124 to 1146
6 1290 to 1313 14 1100 to 1123
7 1266 to 1289 15 1076 to 1099
(10) Expansion I/O Interface Check
Result of a loop back check performed on an expansion I/O interface, which may connect to an
external equipment like a labeller, is printed.
Connect the jig like below to the Expansion I/O PC board’s connector and perform a loop back check.
Loopback test
OK: The circuit has no problem.
NG (Not good): The circuit has a problem or loopback jig is not
Expansion I/O PC board
Transmissive sensor manual threshold level:
0.0 to 5.0 V
Reflective sensor manual threshold level:
0.0 to 5.0 V
Thermal head resistance rank:
(See the table below.)
Resolution of head installed
Manual Threshold Check