2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002
(Revision Date: Mar. 26, 2009)
2.9 RFID Module Setting
How to Enter RFID Module Setting Mode
Turn on the printer while pressing the [FEED] and [PAUSE] keys at the same time. Hold both keys until the
“<1>DIAG. Vx.x” Message appears.
Press the [RESTART] key or [FEED] key until “<10>RFID” appears.
2.9.1 RFID Read Test
This parameter is to choose whether to perform an RFID read test. When using an RFID module for the
first time, or when performing an RFID read test after performing a parameter clear, it is necessary to set
the RFID module parameters in advance. Refer to Section 2.9.2.
When “<10>RFID” appears, press the [PAUSE] key.
<Read Test Procedure>
1) Place a TOSHIBA-recommended RFID tag as close as the antenna.
NOTE: Available RFID tag
B-SX708-RFID-U2-EU-R, B-SX708-RFID-U2-CN-R: EPC C1 Gen2
2) The printer enters the read test mode, and a read test is performed each time the [PAUSE] key is
pressed. The read data on the tag is displayed on the LCD message display. If the tag cannot be
read, “RFID TIMEOUT” or “RFID READ ERROR” is displayed. Only the tags selected by the RFID
tag type selection can be read. An RFID tag read error will result if the type of the tag to be read and
the type of the tag selected by the RFID tag type selection do not match. Make sure the RFID tag
type has been selected before the read test is started.
Example (Q value = 0)
Example (Q value = 1)
The data, displayed in hex. numbers. Displayed data is an EPC code in the EPC area.
When the RFID tag contains data of 16 digits or more, the first 16 digits are displayed. When data
volume is less than 16 digits, the vacant digits will be filled with spaces.
In the case the Q value is set to 1 or greater, the AGC value of a read tag, enclosed with
parentheses, is displayed on the right most place on the lower line. Therefore, 14-byte data is
displayed in hex. code.
Additionally, if more than one tag is read at one time, especially when short-pitch tags are used,
pressing the [FEED] or [RESTART] key shows the other tags’ data. Among them, a tag with the
highest AGC value is considered to be positioned just above the antenna.
The next menu will appear withou
performing a read test. Refer to
Section 2.9.2.
A read test will be performed.
s this read test is intended to just read a tag, if you
would like to perform a write test, use RFID Analyse
Tool. Refer to Section 5.
<1>DIAG. Vx.x
65432109 (0E)