Strata CIX Net Phone AG 04/08 9
PC Requirements
Net Phone only
The Net Phone software can be loaded on a standard IBM-compatible PC running
Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows 2000 or 32bit Windows Vista
software. The specific requirements of this PC can vary; follow the recommended
configuration for each operation.
Net Phone with Soft Phone Audio
The PC requirements for running the VoIP Soft Phone software requires at least
Windows 2000, XP or 2003, but not XP Home Edition to operate. Follow Microsoft’s
recommendations or higher for memory needs. The VoIP is not supported on the older
Microsoft Operating Systems except for Net Phone operation only without audio.
Physical devices to be used for headsets or handsets require a USB port.
LAN Requirements
The Net Phone communicates with the Net Server using a Microsoft network over
TCP/IP, thus this type of network must be installed and running. If your site already
runs a different network protocol, such as Novell IPS, you’ll need to run a dual stack
Phone System
The Net Phone works with various telephone systems using a System OAI connection
to the Net Server. The VoIP connection, when used, is made to another connection
where the PBX supports the extension ports for VoIP. The phone system can be
configured for either G.711 (standard) or the G.729 (compressed) formats. Speech can
be played using the PC’s sound card or for better quality you can use USB handset for
a USB adapter for connecting a headset
The PC running the Net Phone software should typically be configured to
automatically initiate the program whenever the PC is restarted or reset. When you
startup the application, the Net Phone will automatically detect what type of PBX it is
connected to and change it’s user interface.