Server-based Net Phone COS
Duplicating Configuration Files to Other PCs
Strata CIX Net Phone AG 04/08 43
Duplicating Configuration Files to Other
Another method for rolling out Net Phones on multiple PCs is to define the
configuration on one Net Phone and copy the appropriate configuration files onto
other PCs. This method allows users to control their own configurations, while they
start from a common configuration. This may be preferable for some installations,
especially sites having only a few Net Phones.
All files controlling the configuration can be found in your user’s Local Settings,
typically “Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\CTS\Netphone”.
Dial Plan Configuration File
The Dial Plan is a key file that can take time to create and test to ensure it works. If not
using a server-based Dial Plan, copying this file onto other PCs can save a lot of time
in getting multiple Net Phones working.
Net Phone Configuration Files
The following .INI files control the major configuration parameters for Net Phone.
Use caution when copying these files since using Net Phone continuously stores
information in these files. It is recommended to copy these files when initially
deploying Net Phone, but since personal preferences are also stored in these files,
overwriting these files after users have started using their Net Phone could erase these
Config File Description
Local Dial Plan Rules. Can also be copied to Server for
Server-based Dial Plan.
Config File Description
AGNT_PH.INI Main Configuration File
ONP_ACD.INI ACD Feature Settings
NP_REC.INI Record-a-Call Settings