Backup Menu (DKBackup)
Backup Menu (DKBackup) 7
Note The Backup Menu is only available in the DKBackup program. The Check Processor
Type, Backup/Restore Data, and View/Print Data appear in both the DKBackup
Backup Menu and the DKAdmin Administration Menu. These functions are identical
(e.g., screens, operations, commands, etc.) whether you use DKAdmin or DKBackup.
DKAdmin/DKBackup makes backing up and restoring Strata DK programs quick and easy
and saves valuable time and labor when upgrading Strata DK software. You may use this
function to:
♦ Download all customer data from a programmed Strata DK to the DKAdmin/DKBackup
♦ Upload and restore an updated customer database from the DKAdmin/DKBackup PC to
your customer’s Strata DK.
♦ Upgrade data from a Strata DK processor to a new higher level processor.
♦ View/print customer program ASCII files.
● When you create a new customer record using the Maintain Customer File option,
DKAdmin/DKBackup creates a new PC disk directory, XXX.DK, and places the specified
files into this directory.
XXX = the customer directory which is named when creating a new customer, using the
Maintain Customer File option in the File Menu.
The .DK extension is automatically added by DKAdmin/DKBackup when creating the
directory in DOS.
● The Strata DK programming telephone (station 205 or 213) cannot be in the programming
mode when backing up or restoring Strata DK program files.
● Anytime PRGALL is restored to a Strata DK, system power must be turned OFF (3
seconds) and then ON. This is required to make Programs 03,
29, 39, 59, and
41~2 take
effect in Strata DK Release 2. It is only required for Programs 03, 76-1,
41-2, and
50 in
Strata DK Release 3~Release 4.
● Do not use Backup Data (F3) or Restore Data (F4) to upgrade processors.
● When upgrading processors, Primary, Phantom, and Distributed Hunt Group default
[DNs] that are not on the original processor are blanked out on the new processor to
prevent [DN] conflicts. This includes default data in Programs 04,
09, and 71-0.