System/Station Administration –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
For information on selecting printers, see Chapter 8 – Options Menu. See Figure 8 for a
System/Station Administration printout example.
System Speed Dial Number (F7)
➤ To set or change available system speed dial numbers
Note You may assign system speed dial numbers to individual ports for up to 800 system
speed dial numbers for the RCTUE/F processor, 100 for RCTUBA/BB, RCTUC/D
processors, and 40 for TMAU and RCTUA processors.
1. From the System/
Station Administration
Menu, press F7. The
System Speed Dial
Numbers screen
displays (shown right).
2. Highlight the System
Speed Dial No. field.
Enter the speed dial
telephone number,
including area code
7145559696). Do
not enter dashes.
3. Highlight the System Speed Dial Memo field and enter a description of the speed dial
number (up to 12 characters). This memo displays on the telephones LCD when the Bin
Number is selected by an LCD telephone, using the MODE 8XXX function (where XXX
is the speed dial bin number).
4. Press F10 to save the speed dial assignments and return to the System/Station
Administration screen.