Ch01_BasicOverview.fm Modified: 8/7/02
Template Version 1.0
GL-1020 Operator’s Guide (Basic) 23
and back covers, inserting sheets at predefined positions within
the document, or interleaving pages so that every other page is
inserted blank or printed on a different type of media.
Watermark and Image Overlay Support
Watermarks are a great way to subtly convey useful information
about your printed documents. Common watermarks are
“Confidential,” “Draft,” and “Original.” Several watermarks have
been pre-defined for use with your documents, or you can create
and save your own custom watermarks.
Watermarks consist of text. Image Overlays can be any
combination of text, graphics or other document elements.
Printing watermarks consumes fewer resources than using Image
Overlays, so you should use watermarks wherever possible,
particularly when printing speed is an issue.
Printer Drivers
Printer drivers are software components that enable application
programs to interact with the printer. The GL-1020 comes with
two printer drivers, GL-PCL6, and GL- PSL3 (PostScript), which
offer document print, layout and assembly functions that are not
available with many applications.
This utility allows you to monitor all jobs and control your own
current jobs. With the notification feature enabled, GL-DocMon
informs you of copier or printing events, such as paper-out or
cassette open, before you walk to the copier to find your job
incomplete or unsuccessful.
TopAccess, an embedded web-based device and job management
tool, allows you to monitor and manage your print jobs over the
Internet using either Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer.
TopAccessComposer allows you to store, edit and manage post-
print (prior to hard-copy release) and scan documents. It provides
two predefined system folders called Department and Public, and
enables you to create a user account and private folders.