IPedge UG 06/11 TOSHIBA 111
Calling Within My
Home Area Code
• Home Area Code – Set this to the Area code where the phone is located. This
will be used by Call Manager to determine which dialed calls are within your
home area code and when searching a contact manager (reverse screen-
pop) the dialed number will need the area code included, i.e. Microsoft
Outlook. This is a duplicate of the entry to the one made in the Dialing Tab,
thus the value entered previously will show here.
• All Home Area Code Numbers Local? – Select either All Calls in my Area
Code or only Calls to these Office Codes.
• Local Office Codes – This entry is only presented if you chose Call to these
Office Codes in the previous step. The pull down listing shows the exchange
codes (prefix codes) that are considered to be a local call from your location.
Click the C button to display the “Change Dial Rules” screen.
• To Add Local Prefix Codes – Enter the prefix code and click Add. The
wild card character ‘#’ can be entered at the end of a prefix code entry
to represent a range of codes. For example, 75# would represent all
codes 750 to 759 and 7## would represent codes 700 to 799.
• To Delete Local Prefix Codes – Highlight a prefix entry and click
Delete button. The delete button removes the entire entry from the
list, thus if the entry has a wild card, then it removes all codes
represented by the wild card character.
• To Delete a Specific Prefix Code – To delete one prefix code that is
part of a range of codes entered using a wild card character, enter the
prefix code to be considered not local in the Long Distance box and
click Add. For example, if prefix code 755 is long distance but all other
75# codes are local, first enter 75# into the local list and the add 755
as Long Distance – the resulting local list will be 750, 751, 752, 753,
754, 756, 757, 758 and 759.
• Dial Area Code on Local Calls – Enable this feature in areas, such as Atlanta,
where you must always dial the full 10-digit phone number (include the area
code) even when the call is local. Most areas of the US, local calls do not
include the area code and dial only 7 digit numbers for local calls. Any number
dialed from another program or hot key dialing will be down to its base 7 digits
by removing the Home Area Code before it is dialed.
• Add+1 – Check the box if you need to dial a leading 1 before the number for
calls within your Home Area Code.
• Dial Area Code Plus the Number – Check the box when the home area code
is also to be dialed.