IPedge UG 06/11 TOSHIBA 143
Special Keys The plus sign (+), caret (^), percent sign (%), tilde (~), and parentheses ( ) have
special meanings. To specify one of these characters, enclose it inside braces.
For example, to specify the plus sign, use {+}. Brackets ([ ]) also must enclose
them in braces. To send brace characters, use {{} and {}}.
To specify characters that aren't displayed when you press a key (such as Enter or
Tab) and keys that represent actions rather than characters, use the codes shown
Key Code Key Code
Backspace {BS} or {BKSP} Tab {TAB}
Break {BREAK} Up Arrow {UP}
Caps Lock {CAPSLOCK} F1 {F1}
Clear {CLEAR} F2 {F2}
Del {DEL} F3 {F3}
Down Arrow {DOWN} F4 {F4}
End {END} F5 {F5}
Enter {ENTER} F6 {F6}
Esc {ESC} F7 {F7}
Help {HELP} F8 {F8}
Home {HOME} F9 {F9}
Ins {INS} F10 {F10}
Left Arrow {LEFT} F11 {F11}
Num Lock {NUMLOCK} F12 {F12}
Page Down {PGDN} F13 {F13}
Page Up {PGUP} F14 {F14}
Right Arrow {RIGHT} F15 {F15}
Scroll Lock {SCROLLLOCK} F16 {F16}
Spacebar { } Control ^
Shift + Alt %%