3.1 General 3 Diagnostic Programs
3.1 General
This chapter explains the diagnostic programs which tests and diagnoses the functions of the
hardware components of this computer. The diagnostic programs can be classified into two
NOTE 1: This Diagnostic supports
NOTE 2: Before running a test, be sure to:
1. Check that all the cables are connected securely.
2. Exit the application that is currently running and close Windows.
The OPTION includes the following functions:
Select All Items
Test All Items
Edit Batch Parameters
Load Batch Parameters
Save Batch Parameters
Log Parameters
Specify Log Viewer
Display Error Log File
DOS Shell
Exit to Free-DOS
The DIAGNOSTIC TEST Devices include the following tests:
System Test
Memory Test
Storage Test
Video Test
Communication Test
Peripheral Test
Keyboard Layout Test
Hot Key Test
Audio Play Test
Audio Record Test
DMI Read
DMI Write
Finger Printer Detect Test
Finger Printer Scan Test
Finger Printer Information Clear
System Information
Satellite M200/M205, Satellite Pro M200, EQUIUE M200, SATEGO M200 Maintenance Manual