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6. Short intermittent operation preventive control
1) For 3 to 10 minutes after operation start, in some cases, the compressor does not stop to protect the
compressor even if receiving the thermostat-OFF signal from indoor.
However it is not abnormal status. (The operation continuance differs according to the operation status.)
2) When the operation stops by the remote controller, the operation does not continue.
7. Current release value shift control
1) This control purposes to prevent troubles of
the electronic parts such as the compressor
driving elements and the compressor during
cooling operation.
2) The current release control value (I1) is
selected from the following table according to
TO sensor value.
Current release control value (
I1) [A]
Temperature range
47°C ≤ TO
44°C ≤ TO < 47°C
39°C ≤ TO < 44°C
TO error
SM110 SM140
15.0 15.5
16.8 17.4
17.7 18.3
15.0 15.5
8. Over-current protective control
1) When the over-current protective circuit detected an abnormal current, stop the compressor.
2) The compressor restarts after 2 minutes 30 seconds setting [1] as an error count.
3) When the error count [8] was found, determine an error and restart operation is not performed.
4) For the error display contents, confirm on the check code list.
9. High-pressure release control
1) The operation frequency is controlled to restrain abnormal rising of high pressure by TL sensor in
cooling operation and TC sensor in heating operation.
2) When TL sensor in cooling operation or TC sensor in heating operation detects abnormal temperature of
the stop zone, stop the compressor and the error count becomes +1.
3) When the compressor stopped with 2), the operation restarts from the point of the normal operation
zone (e point or lower) where it returned after 2 minutes 30 seconds.
4) The error count when the compressor stopped with 2) is cleared after the operation continued for
10 minutes.
If the error count becomes [10] without clearing, the error is determined and reactivation is not performed.
5) For the error display contents, confirm on the check code list.
62°C 63°C
57°C 62°C
55°C 60°C
53°C 58°C
49°C 54°C
Abnormal stop
Frequency normal down
Frequency slow down
Frequency hold
Frequency slow up (Up to command)
As command is
10. Defrost control
In heating operation, defrost operation is performed when TE sensor temperature satisfies any condition
in A zone to D zone.
The defrost operation is immediately finished if TE sensor temperature has become 12°C or more, or it
also is finished when condition of 7°C
TE < 12°C has continued for 1 minute. The defrost operation is
also finished when defrost operation has continued for 10 minutes even if TE sensor temperature has
become 7°C or lower.
After defrost operation has finished, the compressor and the outdoor fan start heating operation after
stopped for approx. 40 seconds.