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8-2-5. Diagnostic Procedure for Each Check Code (Outdoor Unit)
1) This section describes the diagnostic method for each check code displayed on the wired remote controller.
2) In some cases, a check code indicates multiple symptoms.
In this case, confirm LED display on the outdoor P.C. board to narrow the contents to be confirmed.
3) The check code on the wired remote controller is displayed only when the same error occurred continu-
ously by multiple times while LED of the outdoor P.C. board displays even an error which occurred once.
Therefore the display on the wired remote controller may differ from that of LED.
LED display on outdoor P.C. board
Operation method of the service SW
[Display of error which is generating]
• When even one of D800 to D804 rapid flashing, it
indicates that an error occurred. When D800 to
D801 indicate slow flashing or when D805 flashes,
push and hold SW800 and SW801 for 5 seconds
or more simultaneously. The error display ex-
changes to display of the error under occurrence
at present.
Display of the latest error
• The latest error is displayed by the following action.
As the memory is kept, it is confirmed even after the
power supply was turned off once. (Except outside
air temp. sensor (TO) error)
1) Check D800 to D804 are turned off (or rapid
flashing) and D805 is turned on. When D800 to
D804 are slowly flashing or D805 flashes, push and
hold SW800 and SW801 for 5 seconds or more
simultaneously. D800 to D804 will be turned off (or
rapid flashing) and D805 flashes.
2) Push and hold SW800 for 5 seconds or more. D804
changes to slow flashing.
3) Push SW800 several times and change LED
display (D800 to D804) to [Display of latest error
(Including the present error)].
4) Push SW801. The latest error is displayed.
5) When finishing the work, be sure to execute item 1)
to return LED to the initial status (Display of error
under occurrence).
D800 (Yellow)
D801 (Yellow)
D802 (Yellow)
D803 (Yellow)
D805 (Green)
: ON,
: OFF,
:Rapid flashing (5 times / second)
(No error) (Error occurred)
D800 (Yellow)
D801 (Yellow)
D802 (Yellow)
D803 (Yellow)
D805 (Green)
(Example of discharge temp. sensor error)
: ON,
: OFF,
:Rapid flashing (5 times /second)
Display of latest error
(Including the present error)