Performing basic actions in the Administrator
This section shows you how to perform the following basic actions in most views:
n Creating items
n Deleting items
n Renaming items
n Copying and pasting items
n Customizing columns
Creating items
In any view, clicking the first toolbar button opens a dialog box for a new item
associated with that view. For example, in the Users view, clicking the first
toolbar button opens a User dialog box with the title
Untitled - User.
You can also click the small arrow to the right of the first toolbar button and use
the menu that opens to create any new Administrator item. The arrow is available
in every view.
You also can create all items from any available view. To create a new item,
File > New.
To create a new item that is based on an existing item
1. Select the item on which you want to base a new item, such as a user in
the Users view.
2. Choose
Edit > Copy.
3. Choose
Edit > Paste. A User dialog box opens. Copy of <item that you
appears in the title bar of the dialog box. It contains a duplicate
of the selected item’s information. You can use the this information as
a basis for creating a new item.
4. Enter the information about the new item in the dialog box.
5. Click
OK to save the changes as a new copy.