viewing in the Client, 8-9
access codes for ringbacks, 8-9
auto attendant, 9-5
database size, 4-11
dialing service, 8-2, 8-3, 8-7
dialing timeouts, 4-13
for caller ID, 4-3
Operator user’s extension always 0 for callers, 8-9
search method in dial-by-name directory, 4-17
Device Monitor, 11-3
Device Monitor view, 2-4
dial-by-name directory
listing user in
, 6-27
dialing exceptions
importing and exporting
, 8-25
specifying, 8-22
dialing permissions, setting, 8-26
dialing service, Internet-to-Centrex/PBX
, 13-13
dialing service, Internet-to-Phone Number, 13-15
dialing services
, 8-2
access code, defined, 8-2, 8-7
access code, example, 8-2, 8-7
adding, 8-4
Centrex/PBX Extension dialing service, 8-12
exporting and importing dialing exceptions, 8-25
Internet Address dialing service, 8-14
Internet-to-Centrex/PBX Extension dialing
, 8-17
Internet-to-Phone Number dialing service, 8-15
Phone Number dialing service, 8-7, 8-10
setting up dialing exceptions, 8-22
and access codes, 8-8
avoiding dialing ambiguities, 8-8
Centrex/PBX Extension dialing service
using a prefix and suffix
, 8-14
choosing names for, 8-7
default, 8-3
defined, 8-2
deleting, 8-6
disabling while creating, 8-7
entering location settings, 8-20
for IP Gateways, 13-13
identifying trunks allocated by, 8-18
Internet-to-Centrex/PBX Extension, 13-13
Internet-to-Phone Number, 13-15
, 8-27
Phone Number dialing service
using a prefix and suffix
, 8-11
setting permissions, 8-26
specifying codecs used by an Internet service, 8-21
types, 8-2
types supported, 8-2
using to troubleshoot trunks, 8-7
Dialing services view, 2-4
dialing timeouts, setting, 4-12
Dialogic devices
, A-13
sending digits to stations
, 14-4
digit collection
, 5-5
setting up on analog trunk, 5-11
digital spans, 5-9
Direct Inward Dialing (DID)
assigning number to a user
, 6-13, 7-5
routing calls to auto attendants, 9-2
routing calls to users, 9-2
dialing services while creating them
, 8-7
Dialogic devices, A-13
digital spans, 11-5
record of in Maintenance Log view, 11-20
disconnect tones, A-12
fax detection
, A-12
disk space
allocating for users
, 4-11
display phone format, MDMF, 6-43