116 Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99
Add-on Module/DSS Console
Delayed Ringing
&DOO)UZG%XV\ Call Forward-Busy Button
Press to forward calls immediately to another station or voice mail device when your
station is busy or in the DND mode.
Call Forward-Busy/No Answer Button
Press to forward calls immediately to another station or voice mail device when your
station is busy or in DND mode. Also forwards calls when your station is not answered
after 8~60 seconds (set at your station).
Call Forward-No Answer Button
Press to forward calls to another station or voice mail device when your station is not
answered after 8~60 seconds (set at your station).
&DOO)UZG([WHUQDO Call Forward-External Button
Press to forward Private or DID line calls to an external or internal telephone number.
&DOO)UZGWR Call Forward-Fixed Button
Press to forward all calls to a station or voice mail device assigned in system
'DWD5HOHDVH Data Release Button
Press to release data calls. See the Strata DK PC/Data Interface User Guide.
'LUHFWHG3LFNXS Call Pickup Button
Press to initiate a ringing Directed Call Pickup of CO line, [DN], and page calls.
Tenant Call Pickup Buttons
If the system is shared by tenants, the Directed Pickup 1~4 buttons pick up ringing CO
line calls for Tenants 1~4 respectively.
'R1RW'LVWXUE Do Not Disturb Button
Press to lock your station in or out of the DND mode.
'66 Direct Station Selection Button(s)
Press to ring a preselected station. The LED associated with each DSS button provides
the status (idle/busy) of the station assigned to the button.
)ODVK Flash Button
Press to perform the following functions: Disconnect and recall dial tone on a CO line;
access Centrex or PBX features; enter a pause or flash signal when programming
speed dial numbers.
*URXS3LFNXS Group Pickup Button
Press to pick up a call that is ringing a station that belongs to a Pickup Group that your
station is a member of.
Table 17 Feature Button Definitions