Privacy On-Line
Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99 57
Privacy On-Line
With this feature, you can block those with Privacy Override from entering your CO line. The
button does not block Busy or Executive Override.
➤ To set/cancel privacy
➤ Press 3ULYDF\RQ/LQH to set privacy. The LED lights steady red. Others are blocked
from entering your CO line calls when they press a common CO line button.
...or press
3ULYDF\RQ/LQH again to cancel the feature. The LED turns OFF.
Privacy Release
This feature enables others to enter your call on a common CO line just by pressing /LQH on
their telephone. It only works on common CO lines (i.e., CO lines which appear on more than
one telephone). Privacy Release cannot be used on single appearing CO lines or multiple [DN]
buttons. Calls on common [DNs] are always private and cannot be accessed by more than one
Similar to conference calls, up to three stations can be connected to a CO line.
➤ To use Privacy Release
➤ While on a CO line
call, press
The LED lights red. The CO line flashes at all appearances.
When another station user enters the CO call by pressing a
common CO
/LQH, the Privacy Release LED turns OFF.
To add a third station, press
3ULYDF\5HOHDVH again and the
process is repeated.