Users Manual TOPAS900 Flash V2.1
HWU Elektronik Oberhausen Page 19
• The project file assumes that the workbench has the <installation root> directory:
Figure 6 : C-Spy Desktop with Source Code, Memory and Register Window
For all further handling of the C-Spy Simulator or ROM-Monitor please click the “Help”
in the Toolbar and select the topic of interest.
4.2. Toshiba Tools
4.2.1. Compiler, Assembler, Linker, Converter
All Toshiba software development tools are running in DOS environment. Hence, under
WINDOWS a DOS box has to be opened by selecting the MS-DOS icon or clicking a
tailored batch file from the Windows-Explorer. All respective manuals can be accessed by
the program group “TLCS-900 Tools”.
Editing sources
The source code of user C- or TLCS-900 Assembler programs should be plain ASCII text
edited by regular text editors like Windows-Editor, WORDPAD or others. The extensions
of the filenames should be “.C” for C-language programs and “.ASM” for assembler