Users Manual TOPAS900 Flash V2.1
HWU Elektronik Oberhausen Page 5
Definitions and Abbreviations
Application Board Separate available board for TLCS-900 with application
components as LCD, Keys, EEPROM, LEDs etc.
Chip Means an integrated circuit, a high-integrated semiconductor
C-Spy Debugger from IAR Systems designed for Windows
CE European Conformity
CPU Central Processing Unit
Embedded Workbench Integrated Development Environment of IAR Systems for
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
IAR Short form for “IAR Systems”
MCU Micro Controller Unit
Microcontroller CPU with On-Chip peripherals for embedded systems
RAM Random-Access Memory
ROM Read-Only Memory
RTE Real-Time-Emulator : high end system with many real-time
debugging functions, e.g. time-measurement, access
breakpoints, events, trace buffer etc.
ROM-Monitor Program Communicates with a debugger (TMPro / C-Spy) and
provides debugging capabilities for TLCS-900 based MCU
boards. It is a low cost version with a subset of debugging
facilities of an RTE
PCB Printed Circuit Board
TMPro Debugger Toshiba's debugger for TLCS-900 series
TOPAS900 CAN Name of a starter kit for TMP95PS54 MCU
TOPAS900 Flash II Name of a starter kit for TMP95FY64 MCU
TOPAS900 Standard Name of a starter kit for TMP93CS41 MCU
Windows Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft
Corporation. In this manual “Windows” stands for