-The gigabeat is a registered trademark of Toshiba Corporation. Plus Touch, gigabeat
room, and RipRec are trademarks of Toshiba Corporation.
-Microsoft, Windows and Windows Media are either registered trademarks or trademarks
of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
-WOW, SRS and (●) symbol are trademarks of SRS Labs, Inc. WOW technology is incor-
porated under license from SRS Labs, Inc.
-Music recognition technology and related data are provided by Gracenote
. Gracenote is
the industry standard in music recognition technology and related content delivery. For
more information visit www.gracenote.com.
CD and music-related data from Gracenote, Inc., copyright © 2000-2005 Gracenote.
Gracenote CDDB
Client Software, copyright 2000-2005 Gracenote. This product and
service may practice one or more of the following U.S. Patents:
#5,987,525; #6,061,680; #6,154,773, #6,161,132, #6,230,192, #6,230,207, #6,240,459,
#6,330,593, and other patents issued or pending. Services supplied and/or device manu-
factured under license for following Open Globe, Inc. United States Patent 6,304,523.
Gracenote and CDDB are registered trademarks of Gracenote.
The Gracenote logo and logotype, CDDB logo and logotype and the “Powered by
Gracenote CDDB” logo are trademarks of Gracenote.
-Napster and Napster To Go are trademarks of Napster, LLC.
-The product names referred to in this manual may be registered trademarks or trade-
marks of their respective companies.