d “Tool” menu
e “Help” menu
Library refresh Refreshes the gigabeat library.
Number of tracks
registered in library
Displays the number of tracks registered to the library.
Synchronize Transfers the entire synchronize folder to the gigabeat.
Ripping Transfers tracks from a music CD to PC.
Execution of RipRec Reads tracks from a music CD and transfers them to the
Transfer from PC to
Transfers tracks to the gigabeat.
Eject CD Ejects the CD.
Music information
Displays the window for editing tag information.
Gracenote Register with
Displays the registration window for
the Gracenote database of CDs.
Proxy Settings Makes settings of the proxy server
when connecting to Gracenote.
Send To Gracenote Sends any changed data to
CD detailed
Displays the detailed information of
the CD.
Gracenote MusicID
As Track
Searches and obtains track
information by connecting to the
Gracenote server via the Internet.
Gracenote MusicID
As Album
Searches and obtains album infor-
mation by connecting to the
Gracenote server.
Gracenote Playlist Displays the window for creating a
playlist automatically with the
Gracenote Playlist function.
Sets the synchronize folder and track transfer.
About gigabeat
Displays the version information.