Parameter Parameter name Setting title Setting Function
5-01 Term 27 Mode Input 0 Customer Interlock
5-02 Term 29 Mode Output 1 Auto bypass
5-10 Term 18 digital input Start 8 Common run/stop
5-11 Term 19 digital input Run Permissive 52 Run Permissive
5-12 Term 27 digital input External Interlock 7 Customer Interlock
5-31 Term 29 digital output No Alarm 160 Auto bypass
5-40(0) Relay 1 function Start Command Active 167 Run Permissive
5-40(0) Relay 1 off delay Off Delay 0.00 S Run Permissive
Table 6.1 Parameter Group 5-** Factory Default Settings
6.1.2 ECB Control Card
The ECB control card (see Figure 6.2) provides input connector X57 for commanding bypass operation remotely and output
connector X59 for reporting the bypass mode of operation, either drive mode or running in bypass.
See Table 6.2 for ECB control card terminal types and functions.
1. Terminal X58
2. Terminal X56
3. Terminal X57
4. Terminal X59
Electronically Controlled B...